Thursday, September 21, 2017

Public Meeting on KeyArena Proposal EIS, don't be surprised by the return of SoDo

Public Meeting on KeyArena Proposal
What should go into the EIS?
How about a preferred location at Seattle Center for a rebuilt KeyArena, and a second action alternative with SoDo for a new arena, or a no build alternative.

Here was the scoping comment from 9/8/2017 from the city:
The EIS will evaluate the No Action alternative, as required by SEPA, and two action alternatives.

10 days later they need 3 options, OVG's plan, another action alternative (that now excludes claiming to be able to completely teardown a landmark, KeyArena) so a reasonable action alternative might just be SoDo. "Bust" really is a no-action alternative for an arena.

Public Meeting on KeyArena Proposal

-Rescheduled for September 28
The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) has received a proposal from the Oak View Group to allow the renovation of Seattle Center Arena (KeyArena). The project, filed under application #3029061, includes a new entry atrium, below-ground expansion for additional seating and circulation, and an underground loading dock and vehicular tunnel. Parking for 450 vehicles will be provided below ground. The scale of this proposal requires the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to inform the permit review process and eventual decision by the department.
The first step in compiling an EIS is soliciting public input to determine the range of topics to be reviewed within the environmental document. This process is known as scoping. SDCI has identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: traffic and transportation; historic preservation (landmarks and archeological resources); light and glare; noise; land use; and public services and facilities (recreation).
A public meeting to obtain comments on the scope of the EIS, design alternatives, impacts, mitigation measures, and other approvals that may be required was originally scheduled for Thursday, September 21 and Wednesday, September 27, 2017. Those meetings have been cancelled and rescheduled.
The rescheduled meeting is set for:
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Seattle Center Armory Loft 2
(305 Harrison Street)
  • Open House: 6:30 p.m.
  • Public Comments: 7:00 p.m.
Written comments on the proposal, including the scope of the EIS, will be accepted through October 6, 2017.  Comments should be emailed to: Comments may also be mailed to:
P.O. Box 34019
Seattle, WA  98124
Commenters who provide an email or physical address will be sent notices of future meetings and hearings. They will also be sent notice of the SDCI decision with information on the appeal process. Public comments and related project material will be posted to SDCI's Permit and Property Records web page.
Questions about the meeting may be directed to:
John Shaw
SDCI Land Use Planner
(206) 684-5837

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Seattle doesn't have anything for the NBA to relocate a team to

I've been saying this for quite some time, there are owners that would leave a billion dollars behind if they sold their teams if relocation wasn't an option.
They've noticed.

Some teams will not to operate profitably where they are.
They've noticed.

Will Seattle choose a KeyArena remodel, taking that building away for 4 years?

Will the solutions they seek not include Seattle because the city is choosing to not green-light SoDo now, and KeyArena approval and construction not complete for years? 

A confidential report shows nearly half the NBA lost money last season. Now what?
"National revenues drive up the cap, but local revenues are needed to keep up with player salaries," one owner explained to ESPN. "If a team can't generate enough local revenues, they lose money."

Good luck, Seattle City Council, it's all on you.

(Image KOMO)

Monday, September 18, 2017

Showing yourselves out

Today, the Seattle City Council started down a path to agreeing to develop a MOU with OVG, which pretty much says FU to the NBA anytime soon. The City has been down this path before and repeatedly failed, peak failure was inviting the Sonics to leave over KeyArena remodeling proposals that were a lot like the one they are attempting to construct.

I was both saddened and amused that Councilmember Rob Johnson asked Ed Murray appointed Director of Economic Development Brian Surratt a clarifying question, that the MOU is a framework but the council will get to vote later on the final plan, as well as many of its major pieces, just like the SODO MOU 5 years ago.

I have much less confidence in Tim Leiweke than I do Chris Hansen, but the City has bought the bullshit and is going to talk themselves into gifting city revenue while pretending that a privately funded arena proposal exists.
BTW, pretending something better doesn't exist isn't particularly satisfying.

If the City ever greenlights something, I'll recognize it. For now, I'll take the NBA’s position, that they still have nothing, and what they had they drove away in 2008.

Today, it became less likely that the NBA will return to Seattle anytime soon. OVG has been driving off Sonics fans since they got here. It's pretty weird to see become more interested in having OVG in town than the Sonics. I will not go there, and say disengage from those that do.

On to other hobbies.