HB 1997, "Providing economic development by funding tourism promotion, workforce housing, art and heritage programs, and community development."
Sponsors: Representatives Orwall, Kenney, Goodman, Fitzgibbon, Maxwell, Santos, Pedersen
Many words for rain. Seattle. Mike Baker. Writer of wrongs. My opinion, only, like a giant tweet.
AN ACT Relating to permitting counties to direct an existing portion of local lodging taxes to programs for arts and heritage; and amending RCW 67.28.180.
From: Advocate4Culture
Date: February 19, 2011 8:05:03 PM PST
To: communicate.with.mike < at >gmail.com
Subject: Go Time 4Culture
Reply-To: advocate4culture
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Hey you! We got a bill to save 4Culture. King County included it the economic development bill. It's HB 1997.
You are essential right now. We all need to do three things to keep momentum up for 4Culture.
(1) show up in Olympia for the hearing on Tuesday, February 22 at 1:30pm. THAT'S RIGHT! THIS TUESDAY.
(2) contact YOUR House Representatives to tell them you support HB1997.
(3) make noise about this on your facebook and twitter accounts, and forward this email to your lists.
There are instructions on the blog at advocate4culture.org. Please go to the blog, and do your essential part.
You are going to win this thing with all of us.
Spread the word, and let's get this done.
All best,
Josef Krebs
Advocate4Culture Coalition Member
Business, labor and arts leaders joined today in backing a bill requested by King County Executive Dow Constantine and introduced today in Olympia by State Rep. Tina Orwall to stimulate economic growth through support of programs that draw more tourists here.
"Every visitor we bring to King County spends money and provides revenues needed to support human services, housing, public safety, and transportation," said Executive Constantine. "As the economy begins to recover, we need to do all we can to position the region for economic prosperity."
One of the more disturbing bills comes from Rep. Ross Hunter, D-Medina. House Bill 1818 would create a state-run website where all county notices. Current law stipulates that government notices must run in a newspaper, a longtime practice that has served the public well.
Newspapers are watchdogs of government. This is done in a number of ways, the most obvious being through reporting. As important are the paid legal notices.
. . .
The other consequence is financial. The Times, like other newspapers, stands to lose revenue. For a larger paper like The Times the hit would not be too bad. But for a weekly it will mean jobs, and may even force some weeklies to close. I have to believe that legislators do not want to be responsible for shuttering community newspapers.
Opinion | Bills threaten people's ability to remain informed of government actions | Seattle Times Newspaper
An obvious example is the state printing office. Lawmakers have long bandied about the idea of privatizing this function. According to The Spokesman-Review, the state printing office, founded in 1854, employs 100 state workers. But most printing jobs can be done on agency printers and bigger jobs should be outsourced to private print shops.
While the budget for the print shop is relatively small, it illustrates an important principle: Just because we've always done something doesn't mean we should continue. This budget crisis provides lawmakers — and taxpayers — with an opportunity to take a hard look at the very structure of state government.
Hey 4Culture Lovers,
It's getting close. In a few days a bill will drop, part of King County's legislative agenda, that will save 4Culture. We are glad King County has included us in their priorities and want to help them get this bill passed. There are three things you can do right now:
1. Email/facebook/twitter your friends asking them to join the Advocate4Culture Coalition. Here's the page to join: http://www.advocate4culture.org/p/join-us.html
2. If you run an organization, consider including a notice about 4Culture in your next communication to your constituents. It can be this simple:
"Interested in helping arts and heritage in King County? Visit the Advocate4Culture website at www.advocate4culture.org to learn more and click on the Join Us! tab to become a member of the group that's working to save 4Culture, the largest single source of arts and heritage funding in King County."
3. Get ready to make some noise. Once a bill drops, we'll need you to make noise to your legislators and to those on the committees who will consider the bill. King County is thankfully leading the way this year, but extra noise never hurts. You'll receive action alerts that will direct you to the Advocate4Culture website.
For now, please reach out to your networks to continue to raise awareness. And be ready for the real action when we get a bill.
Thank you for your passion and energy. With your help we will renew 4Culture and ensure the future of the most important source of arts and heritage funding in our region.
All the best,
Josef Krebs
Advocate4Culture Coalition Member