Begin forwarded message:
From: Advocate4Culture
Date: February 19, 2011 8:05:03 PM PST
To: communicate.with.mike < at >
Subject: Go Time 4Culture
Reply-To: advocate4culture
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Hey you! We got a bill to save 4Culture. King County included it the economic development bill. It's HB 1997.
You are essential right now. We all need to do three things to keep momentum up for 4Culture.
(1) show up in Olympia for the hearing on Tuesday, February 22 at 1:30pm. THAT'S RIGHT! THIS TUESDAY.
(2) contact YOUR House Representatives to tell them you support HB1997.
(3) make noise about this on your facebook and twitter accounts, and forward this email to your lists.
There are instructions on the blog at Please go to the blog, and do your essential part.
You are going to win this thing with all of us.
Spread the word, and let's get this done.
All best,
Josef Krebs
Advocate4Culture Coalition Member