Wednesday, July 19, 2017

From The Stranger, Guest Editorial: Michael Maddox says "Mayor Murray, You Should Resign"

It is remarkable, the silence, except from those that are outspoken. When news comes out about Ed Murray nobody touches it unless it's to demand change. It's a question of power.
The silence, Ed, says you don't have support, but you do have opposition to you making you happy at all costs.

Here is part of an guest editorial from Michael Maddox. 
I encourage you to read the entire request that Murray resign as Mayor of Seattle.

Step down.
The minute your legacy became more important than the well-being of children in abusive homes, you should have questioned your motives. At least, that's what I believe. Personally, I question myself all the time, and if I'm going in a direction of what's best for me winning out over what's best for the community, I try to roll back a bit and re-center myself. My experience in life—not the best childhood, not the best adolescence—is what shaped my personal desire to do good things—but those must be for the community, and designed to ensure more kids have better lives than I did. 
The sadness that I have from your actions, from seeing someone that I looked up to (with some similarities in political paths) is real. But the anger is also real. Your combative approach, and continued damage that your actions are doing to me as a survivor, and to others in our community, is abhorrent. They are disappointing. 
I know that you have stated that you will not resign. That you are adamant on finishing your term. So much "I" in your statements. But I'm not sure it's worth it. I'm not convinced that the reminder that men "get away with it," particularly men in power, is worth it. The staff of our city are amazing. We have outstanding department heads. Our city will be fine with someone else at the helm for the remainder of the year. In fact, it may be better—losing the cloud hanging over City Hall. 
I don't expect that you will listen - or even read to this point - but I agree with Council Member Lorena González. It's time to resign. To leave what dignity with the office is left, and take what legacy you can still claim, without doing further damage to the city, or to your legacy. It is time. 
All of my Best,
Michael Maddux is a litigation paralegal, and was a Seattle City Council candidate in 2015. He managed the 2016 Seattle Housing Levy campaign, and has served on the Parks Levy Oversight and Parks Legacy committees. He writes regularly at his blog,

Have a great day,
Mike Baker
Seattle, Wa

Follow me here: @TweetMrBaker